Insurance Quote By VIN

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Insurance Quote By VIN

Insurance Quote By VIN; Insurance Quotes

Do you want to know why an insurance company needs your vehicle identification number (VIN) to provide you with car insurance quotes? Car insurance companies need your vehicle identification number (VIN) to help them know the details about the car when you apply for an insurance quote. Let’s look at what a VIN is and some of the things you can use a vehicle identification number for in this post.

What Is meant by Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)?

A vehicle identification number (VIN) is a 17-character serial number used to identify a car. It also tells you important information about the car, including its make, model, year, and many more. You can find VIN in several places:

  • the driver’s side of the car on the dashboard
  • inside sticker on the driver’s side door
  • On the engine’s firewall
  • On your car insurance identification card and policy documents
  • your car’s heading and registration

Reasons car insurance companies need your VIN

Giving your vehicle identification number helps insurers get more accurate quotes. The insurer uses the VIN to make sure the car is not stolen. VIN can help you save money on your premiums and helps to lower the cost of your coverage.

Why would you check a VIN?

  • When you obtain a used car:
  • When getting insurance quotes:
  • When confirming your coverage:
  • When trying to find accident details:

How To Decode a 17-digit VIN Number

Digits                  Meaning

1……………………….Country of origin where the car was made
3……………………….type of Vehicle
4-8……………………Descriptors of the vehicle, such as body style, engine size, and series.
9……………………….Security code that verifies authorization by the manufacturer.
10……………………..Model year of the vehicle
11………………………Plant where the car was built
12-17………………….Serial number of the vehicle.

How to check car insurance information with a VIN

There are several ways you can do this.

  • The National Insurance Crime Bureau VINCheck Lookup.
  • You can also use an online service such as CarFax to get a vehicle’s accident history

How to get insurance quotes with your VIN

If you want to use a new insurance policy to get quotes using your VIN, is a simple process;

  • Visit insurance company websites:
  • Get in touch with local insurance agents:

Knowing how to use VIN to access insurance information is good for any car owner. Learn the VIN services to get the information you’re looking for.


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