UJ Application 2025-2026
UJ Application 2025-2026
Admission of international applicants is subject to meeting both the university and the Faculty admission requirements as stipulated in the Admission Policy of the University of Johannesburg. Applications are accepted now for South African and international students who want to study for the 2025-2026 academic year at the University of Johannesburg.
You can submit an online application by visiting the provided link on the official website of the university.
READ: Prospectus For University Of Pretoria
Online Application Opening/Closing Date 2025-2026
Applications open on 01 April of the year preceding the year of intended study and closes on 31 October 2024 at noon. All applications must be submitted before the closing date as late applications may not be considered for the 2025-2026 academic year.
- Valid email address (Gmail or Yahoo mail account).
- Certified and individually scanned documents if completed Grade 12 (see process below).
- Document upload requirements when applying online (not applicable to applicants currently in grade 12 or internal transfer/Senior applicants):
- All documents must be certified
- Ensure that the scanned file is a maximum of 512KB
- All documents are scanned in any of the following types – tiff, pdf, jpg or gif
- Each document must be scanned and uploaded as separate attachments
- Alternatively, documents can be emailed to ujappdocs@listsrv.uj.ac.za with the provisional reference/student number noted in the email’s subject line.
- Final Grade 11 results
- if currently in Grade 12 and pursuing a South African NSC or IEB curriculum, or
- Final School Leaving results
- Valid Passport Asylum Seeker Permit Refugee Permit National Identity Document or
- Permanent Residence certificate or ID.
READ: University Of Pretoria Residence
How To Apply Online At UJ As New Applicants 2025-2026
To apply online at UJ as a new applicant, please click HERE to consult the Undergraduate Prospectus to ensure you meet the minimum entrance requirements before applying.
- Applicants may only apply for two study choices per academic year. These study choices may not be amended once they have been chosen.
- The University of Johannesburg does simultaneous admissions. Therefore, should an applicant qualify for both choices, the applicant may be admitted/provisionally selected for both choices. In cases where an applicant has been admitted for both choices, it is up to the applicant to decide for which qualification they want to register. The choice not registered will then be automatically cancelled/declined.
- In the case of applicants re-writing Grade 12 subjects, applications will be processed on the current results available. If Grade 12 has been written more than once then your combined results must be submitted with your application.
- Applicants writing the National Senior Certificate (NSC) through IEB or SACAI examining bodies can apply online by selecting “National Senior Certificate” under the Results Detail page of the online application process.
- Applicants currently in Grade 12 may be requested to provide certified copies of final Grade 11 results for verification and auditing purposes.
- The University of Johannesburg will not accept the American General Education Development (GED) test for entry into its undergraduate curricular qualifications. Applicants who completed the American GED and would like to study towards an undergraduate curricular qualification at UJ must achieve a grade 12 NSC/IEB/SACAI or international equivalent.
- The National Benchmark Tests (NBTs) are not part of UJ admissions requirements and applicants are not required to write the NBTs to apply for or gain admission to UJ. Applicants may, however, be requested to write the NBTs in exceptional circumstances where the applicant has an extraordinary school leaving certificate.
- The University of Johannesburg would like to alert you that individuals /companies are claiming to work for, or with the University of Johannesburg and are charging a fee to assist with applications. Online applications are free and we caution you to not fall victim to such a scam.
Please Note: All applicants are advised to please not send cash through the mail or leave documents and cash with any unauthorized persons.
Re-applicants/Transfer applicants/Senior applicants
Please click HERE to consult the Undergraduate Prospectus to ensure you meet the minimum entrance requirements before applying as a Re-applicants/Transfer applicants/Senior applicants at UJ;
- Applicants may only apply for two study choices. These study choices may not be amended once they have been chosen.
- The University of Johannesburg does simultaneous admissions. Therefore, should an applicant qualify for both choices, the applicant may be admitted/provisionally selected for both choices. In cases where an applicant has been admitted for both choices, it is up to the applicant to decide for which qualification they want to register. The choice not registered will then be automatically cancelled/declined.
- To verify or update your mobile number/email details – contact the UJ Call Centre at 011 559 4555.
- Applicants transferring from another university/tertiary institution are required to declare their previous studies when applying as well as upload a full academic record/transcript and degree/diploma certificate (if applicable).
If you forgot your PIN then select “Request a PIN” using your existing UJ student number. A PIN will be sent to you via your registered email. Thereafter, log in using your student number and PIN provided. - The University of Johannesburg will not accept the American General Education Development (GED) test for entry into its undergraduate curricular qualifications. Applicants who completed the American GED and would like to study towards an undergraduate curricular qualification at UJ must achieve a grade 12 NSC/IEB/SACAI or international equivalent.
How to Apply Online At UJ 2025-2026
Follow the steps below to apply online at UJ;
- Visit the official application website on the official page of the university
- Download the online application form
- Complete the application form with the required information
- Attach supporting documents and submit
- A completed application must be submitted before the closing date.
Returning OR Internal applicant APPLY HERE
Contact UJ
Directions & Maps
Tel: +27 11 559 4555
e-mail: mylife@uj.ac.za
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For more details, click here. Hope the provided information is helpful, share your thoughts below in the comment section.