UFS Blackboard
UFS Blackboard
Blackboard is an online learning platform where you will find academic resources, activities, and assessments for the modules in which you are enrolled at the University. The App is designed to suit staff, students, and guests of the University of Free state. The Blackboard app is a learning site that includes one on one classes between students and lectures. Log into Blackboard to activate your profile, only after activation will you be enrolled in your Blackboard modules. There are also numerous online and in-person training sessions available for senior, postgraduate, and late-registered students across all three campuses. Visit the Student Blackboard Help organization on Blackboard to view the training schedule, sign up for a training session, and find useful how-to documents and videos.
Throughout their UFSS1508 summer school orientation program, all first-year students will receive Blackboard training.
First-year students can also take the online Blackboard Self-Paced Training course, which is designed to teach students how to use Blackboard tools effectively. On Blackboard, look under ‘Courses’ for this course.
First-year students can also take the online Blackboard Self-Paced Training course, which is designed to teach students how to use Blackboard tools effectively. On Blackboard, look under ‘Courses’ for this course.
The app provides you with the following features:
• Activity Stream – Shows a smart view of prioritized events and actions.
• Grades & Progress – Check grades and academic progress in real-time.
• Synchronous Learning – Join virtual classes on the go in Collaborate.
• Assignments & Tests – View assignments and tests.
How to install the App:
1. Download the app from iTunes, Google Play, or the Microsoft Store
2. Type: University of Free State
3. Enter your UFS student number
4. Enter your UFS password
2. Type: University of Free State
3. Enter your UFS student number
4. Enter your UFS password
How do I access and log into Blackboard?
To access Blackboard, visit the following website:
URL address: https://ufs.blackboard.com
To log into your Blackboard account type:
Username: Student number
Password: UFS campus password
Blасkbоаrd lеаrn UFS hеlр dеѕk
If you experience аnу рrоblеmѕ wіth UFS Blасkbоаrd, don’t hеѕіtаtе tо contact fоr hеlр vіа:
Tеl: +27 51 401 9452
Emаіl: ehelpdesk@ufs.ac.zaThe Blackboard Helpdesk cannot assist with UFS passwords. For password-related queries please contact ICT Services.ICT Services Password Queries:During office hours (07:45-16:30)
Tel: +27 51 401 9111 (Option 4)
Email: studentdesk@ufs.ac.zaAfter-hours password queries (16:30-22:00)
Contact details (after hours): +27 51 401 3994
Email: studentdesk@ufs.ac.zaBlackboard is an online learning platform where you will find academic resources, activities, and assessments for the modules in which you are enrolled at the University. The App is designed to suit staff, students, and guests of the University of Free state. For more information visit the official website of the University. Find the above information is useful, kindly leave a comment in the comment section.
Tеl: +27 51 401 9452
Emаіl: ehelpdesk@ufs.ac.zaThe Blackboard Helpdesk cannot assist with UFS passwords. For password-related queries please contact ICT Services.ICT Services Password Queries:During office hours (07:45-16:30)
Tel: +27 51 401 9111 (Option 4)
Email: studentdesk@ufs.ac.zaAfter-hours password queries (16:30-22:00)
Contact details (after hours): +27 51 401 3994
Email: studentdesk@ufs.ac.zaBlackboard is an online learning platform where you will find academic resources, activities, and assessments for the modules in which you are enrolled at the University. The App is designed to suit staff, students, and guests of the University of Free state. For more information visit the official website of the University. Find the above information is useful, kindly leave a comment in the comment section.