Stellenbosch University Vacancies
Stellenbosch University Vacancies
Applicants might have gotten the news of online applications for Stellenbosch University Jobs 2025. New Stellenbosch University Vacancies are available now for Job Seekers looking for a reputable Job. Officials are recruiting new talented candidates for numerous Stellenbosch University Posts across SA. Interested Applicants can Apply for Stellenbosch University Jobs as per their qualifications.
All the vital info, like the closing date and Applying Process for Current Vacancies at Stellenbosch University, are shared further. Kindly read through this post to know all the available vacancies at Stellenbosch University and how to apply for them.
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Deputy Director For Stellenbosch University Vacancies
The Director and Deputy Director jointly manage the BER. The Deputy Director reports to the Director and they both report to the Governance Committee, of which they are members. Responsibilities are divided by agreement between them. While the Director takes care of strategic, and external affairs, fundraising, and human resource management, the Deputy Director usually deals with internal, everyday implementation and operations.
- The allocation of resources, scheduling and supervision to deliver continuous and new outputs or contractual obligations on time, as well as within budget;
- Managing the BER’s relationship with sponsors, macro-service subscribers and commissioned research providers;
- Alongside the Financial Manager, responsible for budgeting, financial control and reporting, authorisation of expenses, as well as compliance with SU’s financial policy;
- Financial and cyber security risk management.
Together with the Director, the Deputy Director is also responsible for the further improvement of the quality and standing of the BER’s research. This includes pursuing academic research excellence, as well as ensuring reputational risk management.
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Job Requirements At Stellenbosch University Vacancies
- Master’s degree in Economics with a specialisation in macroeconomics;
- Proven record of intellectual leadership and management abilities;
- At least four years experience at a managerial level that demonstrates the ability to work accurately, finish research projects independently and manage a team to complete research projects;
- Proven ability in writing reports and doing presentations for clients in the private and/or public sector;
- Excellent knowledge of macroeconomic relationships and developments in South Africa;
- Good verbal and written communication skills in English;
- Outstanding interpersonal skills and the ability to maintain positive relationships with staff, clients, sponsors and external contractors.
- Meestersgraad in Ekonomie, met spesialisasie in die vakkundige gebied van makro-ekonomie;
- Bewese rekord van intellektuele leierskap en bestuursvaardighede;
- Minstens vier jaar se ervaring op `n bestuursvlak waartydens die vermoë gedemonstreer is om akkuraat te werk, navorsingsprojekte onafhanklik te voltooi en navorsingspanne suksesvol te bestuur;
- Bewese vermoë om verslae te skryf, en aanbiedings te doen aan kliënte in die privaat sowel as publieke sektor;
- Uitstekende kennis van makro-ekonomiese verwantskappe en situasie in Suid-Afrika;
- Goeie mondelinge en skriftelike vaardighede in Engels;
- Uitstekende interpersoonlike vaardighede en die vermoë om altyd `n positiewe werksverhouding met kollegas, borge en eksterne kontrakteurs te handhaaf.
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Recommendation/Aanbeveling for Vacancies at Stellenbosch University
- PhD in Economics;
- Further academic qualification in economics and/or statistics econometrics;
- A strong research profile in the form of published research and presented papers;
- Understanding of, and skills related to, the latest trends in data automation and machine learning as it applies to macroeconomics
- * PhD in die Ekonomie;
- Enige verdere akademiese kwalifikasie in ekonomie en/of statistiek en ekonometriese tegnieke;
- `n Bewese navorsingsrekord in die vorm van gepubliseerde navorsing en referate;
- Kennis of vaardighede met betrekking tot data outomasie en masjienleer in die konteks van makro-ekonomie.
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How To Apply for Stellenbosch University Vacancies
Kindly use any of the links below to apply
Stellenbosch University Location And Contact Details
Telephone: +27 21 808 9111
Fax: +27 21 808 3822
Private Bag X1
Matieland, 7602
South Africa
GPS coordinates:
Administration B Building, Victoria Street, Stellenbosch
18° 51′ 47.536″ East
33° 56′ 1.327″ South
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