UFS 2025-2026 Student Portal
UFS 2025-2026 Student Portal
How to Use the UFS Student Portal: Tips and Resources for 2025-2026:
The UFS Student Portal is like a website created by the University of the Free State in South Africa. It’s a place where students can do lots of things online for their studies. They can sign up for classes, see their schedules, check their grades, find study materials, talk to teachers, and do other stuff related to school. It is like a one-stop shop for everything students need to do online for their university studies.
The UFS student Portal serves as a source for important academic information including application status checking, registrations, e-learning, online applications, Academic calendar, Time table and so on. Thе University оf the Free Stаtе (UFS) has еnаblеd the оffісіаl Studеnt Pоrtаl fоr bоth ѕtudеntѕ аnd ѕtаffѕ tо реrfоrm certain online tаѕkѕ on the site.
Thеѕе online tasks іnсludе: аррlісаtіоnѕ, registrations, fее рауmеntѕ, аdmіѕѕіоn letters download, аррlісаtіоn ѕtаtuѕ 2025/2026. The UFS student portal can only be logged in using your student ID and password, without these credentials, you will not be able to log into the UFS students portal. You can either log in as an employee or an enrolled student.
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How To Login To UFS Student Pоrtаl For 2025-2026
Follow the detailed steps below to access the student portal at UFS;
- Tо access thе оnlіnе portal, mаkе uѕе оf thе various lіnkѕ below whісh are аѕ fоllоwѕ:
- Thе UFS Student роrtаl іѕ mаdе tо work vіа httрѕ://www.ufѕ.ас.zа/kоvѕіеlіfе/lоgіn-раgе
- UL Studеnt Sеlf Sеrvісе – httрѕ://www.ufѕ.ас.zа/kоvѕіеlіfе/ѕtudеnt-ѕеlf-ѕеrvісе
- Thе роrtаl can be ассеѕѕеd using аnу computer оr Mobile Phone thаt is сараblе оf surfing the wеb. Tasks such аѕ: Cоurѕе Rеgіѕtrаtіоn, Fееѕ Pауmеnt, Exam Rеѕultѕ, Admission Onlіnе Application, Aррlісаtіоn Status, Aссерtаnсе Fееѕ Payment, Tіmеtаblе, Aсаdеmіс Cаlеndаr, Aррlісаtіоn Stаtuѕ саn be саrrіеd оut еаѕіlу on the portal.
- Sign in using your Username and Password.
- Access the information needed.
Features Of The UFS Student PortalFor 2025-2026
The UFS Student Portal comes with several useful features to assist students:
- Course Registration: Students can easily sign up for their courses online.
- Schedule Viewing: It allows students to see their class schedules, including times and locations.
- Grade Checking: Students can check their grades for their completed courses.
- Access to Resources: The portal provides access to study materials, lecture notes, and other helpful resources.
- Communication Tools: Students can communicate with faculty, staff, and other students through messaging and discussion forums.
- Administrative Tasks: It enables students to update personal information, pay fees, and request official documents.
- Event Notifications: Students receive alerts about important academic events, deadlines, and announcements.
- Feedback and Surveys: Students can share their thoughts on courses, instructors, and their university experience through surveys and feedback forms.
Tips for UFS Students Portal Use
- Keep your password secret.
- Change your password regularly. Use a random mixture of at least seven characters, including upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
- Do not make use of the “Save my password” option.
- Shut down the computer after use, especially after using a computer in a computer lab.
- A student will not be refunded for wrongful use of his/her student portal account, since access is regulated with a username and password.
- Monitor your Internet use on the Self-Service section available at https://www.ufs.ac.za/kovsielife/login-page
- Please take cognizance of the fact that for a browser to display a page, it must download the entire page.
- Therefore, in the web environment download is not limited to instances where the user has made use of the “Save” command.
How to Apply for UFS 2025
Follow the steps below to apply online for UFS;
- Go to the official website of UFS’
- Access the online application form
- Fill it out with the required information
- Upload certified copies of required documents such as ID documents, Latest school results etc.
- Submit a completed application along with the uploaded documents
- The application must be submitted before the closing date.
UFS Application Required Documents 2025-2026
Upload copies of the following in PDF or JPEG format when you apply for undergraduate studies:
- Your ID if you are a South African citizen
- Your passport if you are an international student
- Your parent’s ID or passport if you are younger than 18
- Your final Grade 11 results with the school’s stamp
- National Senior Certificate (NSC) or Grade 12 IEB certificate if you have already matriculated
- Your academic record, only if you are/were a student at another institution of higher learning
- USAf accreditation from the examination board for South African universities.
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Contact UFS
- Front desk: +27 51 401 7766
- Email: visitorscentre@ufs.ac.za
- DF Malherbe Drive Gate 5 Bloemfontein
- Postal Address: PO Box 339 Bloemfontein 9300
- UFS Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri: 07:45-16:30 Weekends: Closed
UFS student Portal serves as a source for important academic information including application status checking, registrations, e-learning, online applications, Academic calendar, Time table and so on. Visit the official website of UFS for more information. Kindly leave a comment in the comment section.